Ennis Chamber of Commerce
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Madison Valley 009.jpg

Montana Hospitality

Thank you for your interest in our beautiful part of the world. This country is truly the best of the west and we welcome you to share it with us. The Native americans called this valley the “Land of the Shining mountains,” the locals call it HEAVEN

…and the MAdison river runs through it.

In 1863, William Ennis homesteaded the site along the Madison River which quickly became the town of Ennis. Mr. Jeffers did likewise across the river. The two towns, their bridges, the tall grass, and favorable climate soon attracted ranchers, farmers, and businessmen.

By the late 1800’s, three major stage lines freighted through Ennis; horse, sheep and cattle thrived; wild game was plentiful; and White Clouds tribe of Bannack Indians were valued as friends of all who knew them. Today Ennis continues to be the hub of this active region… a community filled with Montana beauty, wildlife, ranches, businesses, and many amenities for our residents and guests to enjoy and protect. We are eager to help you enjoy your stay in our community.

Check out the directory and events tabs on this site to learn more about the area; things to do where to eat, sleep, and drink in and around Ennis Montana. Whether you are planning a vacation or relocation, this area has everything you could ask for.

WarMest Montana regards from the Ennis Area Chamber of Commerce

We love the friendly and independent spirit of the community, fly shops to quaint stores surrounded by beautiful landscape and clear waters; Ennis is our chosen place to express our love
— Yoko & Richard

Ennis Chamber of Commerce Ambassador Program

The Ennis Chamber of Commerce Ambassador Program is a volunteer group that helps facilitate events and provide visible community goodwill and spirit.

The program will provide incentives for a volunteer to sign up for more than one shift.   Ambassadors will be asked to wear their name tags and special shirts to promote the town and for a cohesive look at each event.

Become a Friend of the Chamber

Yearly membership includes monthly newsletters, Chamber updates, and a ticket to the membership appreciation dinner, and more…

Join the Ennis Chamber of Commerce



Please contact the Chamber to request an invoice if needed

$175 Commercial Business Membership (Includes
  voting rights, website directory link, and Brochure Business Directory
  listing if renewed by March 1

Receive $25 off your Ennis Membership if you are a member of the Virginia City Chamber of Commerce

Thoughts of the coming summer and all the wonderful outdoor activities.   Picture courtesy of Wolfpack Outfitters

Enjoy our summer and all the wonderful outdoor activities. Picture courtesy of Wolfpack Outfitters

Ennis Montana

45.3491° N, 111.7319° W

Nestled between Yellowstone and Glacier national parks, this colorful town holds on to its western roots.


local activities


local events

Thank You to our Sponsors!


The Chamber

The Ennis Area Chamber of Commerce is an organization of business people who endeavor to serve the needs of our community by building a viable economy and promoting our quality of life for the benefit of visitors and residents alike.

Please feel free to call or email us about current events, activities, accommodations and more.